First of all, thank you for taking the time to visit my website. Your time is valuable and I appreciate your spending some of it here.
So, what you’ll see in these pages are examples of ‘macro’ photography. Although the word macro actually means large, in photography it refers to making a small object large to the viewer. A bit counter-intuitive, but…language! What can I say. Think of it like putting a magnifying glass in front of your subject, getting close, and taking a picture. You get the idea.
Similar to terms like “landscape” and “event” photography, macro covers a huge range of styles, subjects and techniques. Bugs, bubbles, paper, string, flowers…anything you can get close to you can get a macro shot of. It’s pretty amazing what you can see in the world of the small.
Again, thank you for spending your time here. I hope you like what you see nearly as much as I like doing it.
“It’s a Small World After All”
Richard & Robert Sherman
Doug Meaney